Someone said something to me earlier about wondering if their writing was “too cheesy” and I wrote back about how I LOVE cheesy! I love the earnestness—the loving something so much and leaning into it. And that sounds like yearning to me.

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Hell YAH 🫶

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"it leans into the simmering" - YESSSSSSSSSSSS

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This just sent me down a small rabbit hole 🕳️ into the word yearning and its German translation “Sehnsucht” - love when that happens.

“inconsolable longing in the human heart for we know not what” is how one author described it (don’t have the source, maybe this is bogus) - I like how that works with “falling in love with myself” and the unknown in it.

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Ah! So good! I didn’t even think to look it up, I love an etymology moment!

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